Haves And Have Nots | TB Young And The PC Band

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About the artist

This aspiring song writer is still plugging away looking for placement somewhere out there in cyber space?


It seems like i met you,somewhere before,
Maybe it was at,that second hand store,
I didn't think I'd see you,shopping in there,
They don't have that brand of clothes,that you wear,
Someone who drives around,in a caddillac,
Shouldn't be seen in there,at the clothes rack,
I guess it takes a lot of nerve,to be seen,
Hanging with the poor people,who can only dream,
I thought that store,was for the have not',s,
Not for the well to do,or have they forgot,
Aren't they the ones,that make the donations,
For those poor folks,that don't have vocations,
Well that's a good place,to meet all your friends,
Who aren't as well off,as they pretend,
There might be a message,there to send,
Get yourself a shirt,you don't have to mend,
Between you and me,you might be buying,
Some dead mans clothes,and his wife's a crying,
And some of your neighbors,might be spying,
And talking about you,and the folks your denying,
Think about those folks,that are living on the street,
Your in the store,where they all meet,
Look around the place,they might be in that seat,
Having themselves a bowl of soup,and something to eat,