Blown Away | Texas Microphone Massacre

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About the artist

An ever-evolving sonic and visual experiment now in its third incarnation, Texas Microphone Massacre is the brainchild of lifelong comrades Chris Veden and Heath Tull. Initially conceived as an off-beat satire of hip hop and heavy metal, the duo began the pursuit of a long-discussed dream project: a genre bastardizing hybrid of electronica influenced by hip-hop sensibilities and prog-rock methodologies. In the summer of 2010, the group began production on its first album Fantasy Rolodex with respected producer/engineer Mark Dufour (Ghostland Observatory, Love Spit Love, Riddlin’ Kids).

Due to prior commitments, Mark was only able to contribute to the production of two tracks, “Last December” and “Secret Love”. However, this obstacle only served to elevate the overall Texas Microphone Massacre product, as an old accomplice in previous Veden/Tull collaborations, Tim Gerron (Doyle Bramhall, Skatenigs) was enlisted to fill the production role. Realizing the true untapped potential of the project, Tim was conscripted as a full-time member of Texas Microphone Massacre, serving as producer and live performance consiglieri.

In February of 2011, Fantasy Rolodex was released as a free download from the band’s website, With only a guerilla marketing and promotional effort, the project has achieved a number of successes, including rave reviews in the Austin Post, Austin Independent Music, and The Yay or Nay; a featured remix contest on Sony’s AcidPlanet; inclusion (at pole position, no less) in Substream’s Substream Likes Vol. 2 indie artist compilation; airplay on BBC’s RadioOne; and regular rotation on German and Russian internet radio.

At the moment, Texas Microphone Massacre continues to play throughout the southwestern electronica scene, while recording their second effort, Lovers, all while blowing-minds of their ever-growing legion of fans and exceeding the revenue expectations of grateful venue operators.