Another Long Night | TB Young And The PC Band

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About the artist

Thomas B Young, Ontario, Canada,


Well its getting late,and i can't wait,cause she ain't home yet,
She's out all nite,and that ain't right,in her new corvette,
Well has there been an accident,or did her car break down,
I told her to give a call,if she went out of town,
Its another nite full of fright,fretting over her,
Every time,she goes out,it causes quite a stir,
I don't know,what is wrong,with the kids today,
Why couldn't they be like us,perfect in every way,
Well it don't seem like long ago,we were at that age,
We were at that time in our life,turning another page,
I don't remember,acting weird,or starting another rage,
We seemed like,just normal kids,just let out of our cage,
Well it seems like,a lot has changed,from our younger days,
The kids today,seem to be in,the show your underwear phase,
The latest fad,called body art,is taking center stage,
To have those piercings,and tattoos,you need to earn a good wage,
It used to be,the only tattoos,were on a sailors arm,
But now days,there every where,even if your from the farm,
And metal in your nose,and your navel,and even in your lip,
If you don't have it,everywhere,,then you just ain't hip,
I guess these kids,don't realize,someday they might be old,
What will they look like,when they're eighty,and not so bold,
Will their pants ,be hanging down,around their knees,
When their old,and over the hill,they won't like the breeze,
They can reminiss,and look back,over the years,
And all that body art,will bring them to tears,
I remember,at that age,thinking i wouldn't live that long,
But life has a way,of bringing up all our past wrongs !