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We are signing Hip Hop artist!
submission price: $25.00

We are looking for hip hop artists to sign!

Looking For: Hip Hop, Rap, complete songs with vocals, and instrumentals Explicit Lyrics Accepted: No Instrumentals Accepted: Yes (no uncleared samples) Compensation: Licensing fees, Royalties, Publishing deals If you think you are the next up and coming hip hop artist, and your music is as good as Lil Wayne, Jay Z, 50 Cent, or Nicki Minaj, we want to hear from you.

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Hip Hop Placement Review
submission price: $15.00
Payout: $10,001 - $25,000

Hip Hop Music Placement Review

This box is for artists who are looking for a professional written music review and as Sr. A&R Representative Urban Division, considerations for a possible single deal, compilation projects, or if interested in being signed with major or indie recording label with major digital and in store distribution support.

This also is including placement on major motion pictures, commercials, reality t.v. shows, video games etc.

Getting to the next level depends on you and how much confidence you have in your work!

Note - Portion of proceeds received goes toward the Save The Children Fund.