Browse Opportunities

Stu big. this
submission price: $0.00


My New EPPS label is going great and we have released from Music xray artitst Ditka from Slovenia with her great song "cold heart".
She sent me the acoustic and voice and i added band from Nashville.
Check it out and send me your Song
best stu

Stu big. this
Free Mixing and mastering and Promotion To the Winner of Competition
submission price: $0.00

Free Mixing and mastering and Promotion To the Winner of Competition

I am offering a free mix and mastering to the winner of this competition. Just send me your track.
I will also promote it on my Web site and Facebook. I am also offering reduced rates mixing and mastering to all applicants. Looking forward to it!

- Stuart Epps - Producer - Epps Music Production

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Submission Opportunity Only: Please Submit Songs Under Four Minutes!
submission price: $5.00

Submission Opportunity Only: Please Submit Songs Under Four Minutes

If you are an artist, label, promoter, manager and seeking more exposure, we assist artists & labels with getting their music out to Radio, TV, Film, & Movie professionals who seek new music and artists. We help indie's stay independent. Please submit your best track(s) under four minutes for consideration.

- Darryl Thompson / Daquor Media Group, Inc.

Deal Type: Exposure Opportunity
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: Exposure
Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: Young Thug, Lil Baby, Migos, Gucci Mane, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkston, Kanye West, John Legend, Drake, etc

Stu big. this
Have your track Professionally Mixed/produced and then made into a video to be promoted on my Social media
submission price: $0.00

Have your track Professionally Mixed/produced and then made into a video to be promoted on my Social media

I will listen to your recording.
then give you my opinion and a quote for further production or remixing. when finished I will produce a Video to promote across my social media check these out:

- Stuart Epps - Producer - Epps Music Production