Music Xray forecasts your music's success potential.

See the video below to learn how first, we match your songs to industry opportunities for free. Then, we give you direct access to the decision makers. Then, we GUARANTEE they listen and respond. No, seriously!

This video explains why and how Music Xray works.

Music Xray Can Now Import Your Music From the Sites Listed Below For Free & We'll Match Your Songs to Opportunities - Also for Free!

Import Music Logos
We thought you'd appreciate it if we made it dead simple to get all your music into Music Xray without the hassle of uploading. Once your music is in our database it will be automatically matched to opportunities - now and whenever in the future a match is detected. Here are the steps:
  1. Log in or open a free account here.

  2. Click the button on the dashboard that says, "Import Music"
  3. Enter your profile URLs from as many sites where you host your music for online streaming.
  4. We do the rest and you will receive email alerts every time any of your songs are matched to opportunities with our new song to opportunity matching system which you can read about here.