Promotion Music Records is a great example of 25 years of business evolution.
Promotion Music Records is a great example of 25 years of business evolution. Originally located in Chicago, PMR was started by Barry Weiss, who perceived a need for voice messaging services for local businesses. After securing voice talent, Barry added background music to enhance his products. Licensing and paying royalties for the music led to the development of a music division where businesses could order voice messaging and music, either separately or combined. The media used at the time was cassette tapes. With personalized messaging came personalized products - company logos included. Eventually cassette tapes went the way of other dated technology and compact discs came into play.
The music division continued to grow, eventually morphing into two entities catering to both corporate and retail business. In 2009 Barry (almost 70 years old and facing some serious health issues) decided it was time to pursue other passions. He sold the company to his long-time employees and Helen Marrs acquired the music division. Through discussions with one of her artists, Peter Phippen, the idea of creating and putting into place the one piece of the business that had been missing over the years - the record label - came into existence. Promotion Music Records can now offer the talented musicians and singer/songwriters in the midwest a record label of their own.
Brian Bethke signed with PMR in June of 2010 and went onto create the on-line store you see before you. As owner of the company, I thank both Peter and Brian for their friendship, ideas, and humor ... and truly look forward to many more years of working together. May many blessing come your way!
Brian Bethke of Promotion Music Records continues to work with some of our artists. You can check it out here and here.