Live Fast Die Young | TB Young And The PC Band

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About the artist

Artist is a crazy Cannuck just coming into his own as we speak,breaking out of his second childhood and into the seniors hood !


My Grandma hollered out,here comes bugger lugs,
She thought all us kids,were just a bunch of thugs,
She said why don't you kids,go out and catch some bugs,
And don't you forget,to put them all in jugs,
She didn't think us kids,would amount to anything,
I guess she was right on,and to us that was a sting,
We all had dreams,of what we would become,
We could not imagine,that we would be so dumb,
Well there was a lot of truth,in what she said,
Live life in the fast lane,and you will soon be dead,
She died of old age,her predictions lived on,
Live fast,die young,and you'll soon be gone,
She was a grand old lady,living by the book,
If she had no answer,she would take a second look,
It wasn't to often,she was lost for words,
When she had no answer,she'd say that's for the birds,
Well,she was my adviser,for my younger years,
And when she passed,it brought me to tears,
I wish she could have lived longer,that wasn't to be,
But the short time she was here,she helped me to see,
We thought life would be short,living this way,
We wouldn't get to close to others,on such a short stay,
It would be hard to let go,when our time had come,
Saying good bye then,would be hard for some,
But I'll always recall,Grandma's advise,
Don't get yourself caught up,in any kind of vise,
Remember that your time here,may not be to nice ,
The world is like a big pie,and your just a tiny slice,