I play violin, piano and I like writing music not only with commercial purposes, so also sacred, orchestral and concert band music. I'v written three songs, "Is it love" and "Scorekeeper","So Cold)" and my works for piano solo, violin and piano, piano cello and violin, "Sunsets " "Sunsets part 2" (Sunsets part 3 is in work in progress); my music likes a lot and I'm very happy for this and I'm very glad to all my fans, for 10.000.000 plays on www.numberonemusic.com/gabrielesaro and 1.000.000 new plays every month. Thanks
When I remember all our life I have to pray that it could be people's dream; when I ask you to kiss me again I have to pray that it could be love and love forever.
Rit. Is it Love Is it Love, I can feel I can feel on ly your Love; Is it Love Is it Love, I must dream I must dream of this Love.
When I dream stars in the sky it seems to be the picture of our life; when I dream children in love it seems to be the imagine of our love forever
Rit. Is it Love Is it Love, I can feel I can feel only your Love; Is it Love Is it Love, I must dream I must dream of this Love.
Rit. ( higher tone) Is it Love Is it Love, I can feel I can feel only your Love; Is it Love Is it Love, I must dream I must dream of this Love.