Lovely Empty Strong and Brave | danielrmandel

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Liner notes

Guitar and Vocals - Daniel Mandel

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About the artist

Lyrics by Maria Barnet
Music by Daniel Mandel

This is singer songwriter Daniel Mandel's 3rd album project.

This Enlightened Madness CD has so much variety, depth of feeling, wonderful poetry, and, unusual text with striking metaphors and images. It's full of light, tender and provocative. The vocals have so many textures and the arrangements beautifully suit the songs.



I am lovely, empty, strong and brave.
Like a nun before an open grave,
I could fall into the emptiness,
Break my bones, and tear my dress;
But for a while I would remain
Lovely, empty, strong and sane.

Strength declines and beauty fades
God forgives, and Jesus saves;
Yet no matter my tomb bare or filled,
My emptiness could not be killed
I would lay there in the crypt
As empty as before I slipped

I do not lack for prayer or pain,
Yet lovely, empty I'd remain,
For hunger born of solitude
Cannot be fed by heaven's food;
And tragedy cannot restore
A fullness never there before.

But if my time on earth permits,
I would relent and beg your kiss;
And humbly stretch my arm to you,
Allow your hands to make me new,
Renounce the foolish pride of mine
That sealed my lips and steeled my spine.

No God, no loss, no length of time;
But burning fingers (yours and mine),
And terrifying sweet release
Will shatter all the empty peace.
Then lovely empty strong and proud.
Is fragile, ugly, weeping, loud,

Full and finally full and open-lipped,
Broken open, shorn and stripped.
For when you finally pierce my pride;
There will be joy and terror side by side;
But please, no soft words for my fears,
lovely empty bowls to catch my tears