Artist: | Preachers Son |
Album: | Love Life and Limb |
Title: | 26 Years |
Year: | 2010 |
Track number: | 1 |
Total tracks: | 11 |
Liner notes26 Years (angsty, Bowie-esque rocker with biting, break-up sentiments) Key ideas: Expressing anger, hurt and disappointment about a long term one-sided relationship. Frustration of feeling used and let down, especially after giving them so much time and love. Key words: 26 Years, Dignity, Heart, Care, Meant to me, Convoluted hopes. Key lyrics: '26 Years',‘To rip my heart out with a stare', ‘Why should I care?’, 'Convoluted hopes and remedies', 'Give it back to me', 'Someone must have really hurt you now, to act such a cow.' |