Tips Jar

If you like our music, please leave a one-time or monthly-recurring tip. The virtual items in the drop-down menu represent the typical cost of things musicians typically need. Tips can't be refunded so please make sure you choose the right one.

Hello, I use tips to help offset the costs of acquiring new fans, pursuing deals within the music industry and CD promotion. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated! If you leave a tip, I'll send you a digital file of my "Celestial Journeys" track from my album "Invisible Attributes"! Thank you very much for your generosity!

Recurring tips allow you to give the same tip each month to the same musician/band without the need to visit Music Xray. We will deduct the tip amount you have chosen, from your PayPal account each month until you tell us to stop.

If you have a Music Xray account with a balance, recurring tips will not be deducted from that balance. Recurring tips can only be made from your PayPay account balance.

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