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submission price: $8.00
Payout: $501 - $1,000
SEND LYRIC WITH SUBMISSION! Original songs with singable lyric, interesting melodies, and great grooves. Topically authentic & emotionally relatable but NOTHING preachy. Mid & uptempo preferred. DEMO ~ Piano or guitar vocals are fine but we insist on a lyric with your submission. If we find something we love (and sign it), we'll cut a demo. Also open to artist driven material for film /TV pitches. We're in Nashville so our main clients are major country acts.
We are only interested in signing songs that are 100% available or songs that have never been previously released either via CD or digitally.
- Trio Productions, Inc / Songscape Music, LLC

submission price: $10.00
Payout: $501 - $1,000
I need beats. I'm working on urban project for solo project of very famous pop group Music on top is fine, but I am really looking for talented producers. I wanna hear your stuff and if its good i'd like to start from scratch. The project is type specific but very open to new sound.